Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Die Türen stehen in Herrenhäuser Garten. Ich habe keine Ahnung was die Verwendungszweck der Gebäude ist aber die Türen haben kläre Ziele: Leute ein- und auszulassen. Und zweitens gut auszusehen. Heute versuche ich ein Trockner zureparieren. Ich bin darauf aufgeregt.

The photo of these doors was made in Herrenhäuser Garten. These particular doors, however, where actually bred and raised in the wild but have made a very successful adjustment to captivity in the gardens. In fact, many of their children have even been domesticated. Some of them serve as pets for the elderly, cheering them up when they are lonely, or as guides for the blind and otherwise-disabled, making entry-ways to buildings where ever the individual feels is most convenient. One problem child, Eddy, still likes to play jokes. A couple times it has gotten out of hand. Once he put himself on the outside wall of a 25th story apartment during a party with a nametag that said 'toilet'. Then one other time, during a fire drill, he stood in front of a wall, but didn't open the wall. Four people ran through him and straight into the wall before they realized he was just playing silly door games. Be on the lookout for Eddy. He mostly likes to hang out on the set of Roadrunner & Coyote films but also occasionally makes appearances as an extra for Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck flicks as well.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Lady and the Leaf

Vor ein paar Tage, wann das Wetter so schön mit 20C war, habe ich dieses Foto gemacht.

This picture is a couple days old. I took it the same day as the picture of the park bench. Now its rainy every day. The temperature seems to be absteigen

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Die letzte paar Tage habe ich Probleme mit dem posting program gehabt. Zum Beispiel, heute morgen habe ich diese post erstellt aber wann ich jetzt, im Abend wieder gucke, sehe ich dass es nicht gepostet ist. Egal. Soll nur ein paar Tage noch vor die neue Seite bereit ist. Dann kannst Du die Fotos grosser und besser sehen.

The last couple of days, I have been having trouble with the posting utility I use. For some reason, the posts have not been making it to blogger. Its ok though. I hope to have my new site up and ready in the next couple of days. I have been testing it and it works beautifully. Just a couple more adjustments...

Saturday, October 28, 2006


English is below, in case you guys haven't noticed that the last couple days already. I need the practice, so I write in German also...

Ich habe keine Ahnung wie ich dieses Foto auf Deutsch nennen soll. Es ist, klar, in dem Nacht gemacht. Ich mache am liebsten Fotos wann es dunkel ist. Dieses Foto habe ich durch zwei und halb Minute gemacht. Das Wasser ist natürlich der Maschsee. Das Wetter war so schön obwohl es die Mittel Oktobers war und es gab viele Leute draussen. Viele haben komische Gesichte geziehen als ich mit Stativ da stand.

Ich muss meine Haar kurzer gemacht werden lassen. Jetzt fällt viel auf dem Tisch. Vielleicht bekomme ich eine Glatze... Das kann ich aber nicht glauben. Meine Opas haben viel Haar noch (oder bis zum Tod gewesen.) Aber die Glatze kommt von die Vater deiner Mutter. Zum Glück werde ich auf keinen Fall von ihm eine Glatze bekommen. Ausser wenn meine Brüdern recht gehabt haben... Sie sagen immer noch dass ich Adoptivkind bin.


I took this picture last Sunday after meeting with Grace and Mario for the afternoon. Mario and I had a nice discussion and then I rode with him to the Maschsee so he could exercise. I love making night-time photos. I took a couple photos of a damn-house right at dusk and I may post one or two of those at a later date. It was completely dark by the time I stumbled across this photo waiting to be made. This is one of those pay-for-a-look binocular things overlooking the Maschsee. I got a lot of funny looks from people as they walked past me and I was standing there in an odd pose, blocking the light, holding the shutter button, and counting semi-outloud.

I would just like to say that Facebook is out of control. Some of the groups that get started and the discussions that follow are ridiculous. It is all-too-often discouraging to read the comments of some of my fellow Americans.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Einsam Herbstlich Park/Lonely Autumn Park

Gestern bin ich drei Stunden lang südlich von Hannover skating gegangen. Ich habe meine Kamera mitgebrungen. Es war so schön draussen. Es war warm und sonnig und die Bäume und Boden sind sehr Bund gewesen. Ein Auto hat mir fast geschlagt. Ich mag diese Bank im kleinem Park in Südstadt. Es sieht so einladend aus.

I went rollerblading for 3 hours south of Hannover yesterday. It was beautiful outside. It was 70F, sunny, and there were colorful leaves everywhere. I saw this bench in a park somewhere and it looked so inviting.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Dieses Foto kommt auch aus Hamburg während meine Reise mit W (Pat). Ich habe die Komposition von King fast kopiert. Aber eigentlich, hat Pat das Glas so gestehen und die Kerze hinter gestehen. Wir waren bei eine kleine Pizza Restaurant. Pat hat es irgendwie kennen. Ich glaube er hat viel über Hamburg gelesen weil ich ein schlechter Gastgeber war. Ich habe die ganze Zeit ein Job gesucht. Jetzt wünsche ich dass ich die Zeit besser mit ihn verbringen hatte. Jetzt habe ich noch ein Chance die Zeit 'besser' zuverbringen. Manche denken noch dass ich die Zeit nur zum Suche benutzen muss. Ich hoffe nur dass wenn ich Deutschland lassen muss, geniesse ich noch die letzte paar Monate weil das mir wichtigste ist...meine Leben zu geniessen. OK - Nichts mehr...

This picture is from my trip to Hamburg with Pat. I almost didn't go because I was trying to save money and stay in Germany as long as I could. W (Pat), being the good friend that he is, convinced me to go anyway. It was really much better for me that way. Perhaps I need another one of those trips, for a day or so. Anyway, we ate at a little pizza place that W seemed to already know about. He had lots of time to read up about everything there was to do in Hamburg because I was frivolously searching for a job. King made a photo similar to this once. I forgot about that when W suggested the composition. He lined everything up and I made a couple slight adjustments for my perspective and !Tada! PHOTO!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


(Ich habe gelernt mehr als die Halbe der Besucher kommen aus Deutschland, so hier ist auch was auf Deutsch für euch. Auch ist es gut für mich um zu üben. Es ist keine übersetzung.)

Dieses Foto habe ich in Hamburg vor drei Monate gemacht. Vielleicht war es schon vier Monate. Pat hat mich damals besucht und wir haben ein Tag Hamburg gesehen. Es war so schön Pat zu sehen. Er hat in Honduras zwei Jahre gewohnen und es war schierig in Kontakt zu bleiben. Hamburg gefällt mir sehr gerne. Fast jeder Stadt am Wasser gefällt mir. Aber Wasser grosser als eine kleine Fluss und grosser als Maschsee. Wahrscheinlich muss das Wasser gross und fliessend sein. Maschsee ist nicht schlecht. Es ist aber nicht gleich. Wir sind unter dem Fluss gelaufen. Am "andere" Seite gibt's nicht so viel zu sehen. Es gibt eine schöne Aussicht an die bekannte Seite. Ausserdem gibt's ein paar alte Gebäude. Ich habe eine alte Antriebswelle die diese Spinne als Hause benutzt dabei gefunden.

Pat came to visit me about three months ago. Perhaps it was already four. We went to Hamburg one day and I made this photo there. It was really nice to see Pat. He lived in Honduras for 2 years and it was difficult to stay in touch. Now that he is back in the states it is at least a little bit easier. Anyway, I really like Hamburg. I like pretty much any city on the water. But it has to be water bigger than a little river and bigger than Maschsee. I havent pinpointed the requirements exactly...maybe the water has to be large and flowing. For example, the Maschsee, which is in Hannover, is nice, but it doesn't do the same things for me.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I took this picture last November in the Herrenhäuser Garten. I have been to the Garten since then to take pictures, in July, when I would have thought everything would be nicer. The plants were greener and the sun was brighter. But I found it to be much less interesting in the summer time. Everything was so green it lacked contrast. The mid-summer lighting was not as nice as that of November.

Something about the crow sitting on the head of the statue reminds me of an Edgar Allen Poe poem. I think its because the statue wants to live. There is a lot of motion in the statue, (Would it be considered Baroque, anyone know?) but the crow just defeats all of that. How that reminds me of Poe, I don't really know. But it does.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Trevi Fountain

Last November, I went to Rome with Alex. She showed me all kinds of cool stuff to see there. Things I probably should have known existed but didn't, like this fountain, the Spanish Steps, and other stuff. I can't wait to go back to Italy.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


When we went to Otrokovice and Puchov with the Trainee Pool, we stopped in Vienna for a night and hung out at the Weihnachtsmarkt. This picture is from then.

I am disconnected.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


This is some clown, wearing The Hat of Destiny, as I now like to call it.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Technical Difficulties

Sorry for the technical difficulties. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to resume posting.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Internet-Hole

I interpret the internet as a black hole that sucks me in. My friend, Kyle calls it "Weblor "and considers him to be a monster with which Kyle must do battle. Either way, the point is, the internet is full of awesome information, but I still waste too much time with it and that is not fun.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Jewish Memorial

King and I went out the other night to take some photos. I was none-to-impressed with most of them that I took while I was with King. We parted ways and I walked home from the Hauptbahnhof. On the way, I felt motivated to finally take some pictures around the Operhaus. I didn't actually find a good way to take any of the house itself, but this monument is across the street from the house, so I took a couple pictures of it. It's an interesting memorial.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Swaying Weeds

I took this picture in Dublin, Ohio, when I was with Cousin Deb looking at the waterfall. My battery had died, so I had to use the 'heat it up in your hand to make it take just a couple more photos' trick. It worked well. Again.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Old Cemetery

This picture is from Dublin when I visited Brad and Deb. When Deb and I went to take pictures of a couple waterfalls, we passed this cool, old cemetery. This was really the only picture I was inspired to make. I am decently pleased.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Dublin Waterfalls #1

When I went down to visit Deb and Brad last Thursday, I went out Friday morning with Deb to take some pictures of some waterfalls near her house. They were pretty freakin' sweet, in my opinion. Thanks for showing them to me Deb.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Late Bloomer

This picture is from the same field where I made yesterday's photo. It is one of several flowers which were blooming along the side of the road, next to the fields of dead beans. (Its ok, they're supposed to be dead.)

Happy Birthday, Stu!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


On my way to visit my cousins, Deb and Brad, I stopped and took some pictures in a field. I never knew that soy beans were so hairy.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Back Again

I'm back!

In a few hours, I will start my journey back to the Great Face of the World, Europe. I am a cornicopia of emotions. Haha. I just wanted to use that word because it reminds me of Thanksgiving. (Cornicopia, I mean. Not emotions.)

This is a tree just across the fence in my parents' backyard. This was a commissioned photo, actually. My mom told me she wanted a picture of the trees back there because they are such brilliant oranges and yellows and reds. I'm not terribly pleased with this particular shot, but its decent. Coming up should be a couple of decent shots. I visited a couple people over the weekend (which is why I haven't been posting) and took some photos. I was, however, extremely dissapointed because the second day in to my five day trip, my camera battery ran out. Grr...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

\"...Sat on a park bench older than my country...\"

Its just a park bench. Its from Oak Openings.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My Parents' Backyard

This morning, my mom asked me to make some photos of a tree in her backyard. I tried, but I'm not sure I'm satisfied with the way they turned out. While I was there, though, I made this photo of two big tufts of grass and the back tree line. Their house is off to the left in the photo. I really debated Black and White, but I like the orange color of the trees. Autumn is fun.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Oak Openings

This picture counts for October 3rd. I don't have my picture archives here with me, so please bear with me. Sorry for the lateness. I wanted to stop at another one of the metroparks and shoot some photos today because it is so beautiful out, but I had to come home so my sister wouldn't get off the bus alone.

Hopefully tomorrow it will be nice long enough for me to get some pictures.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Autumn\'s Coming 2

Again, from Oak Openings. I think I am only capable of taking decent photos with a tripod. I don't know if that is a fault of mine or if my camera is limiting my potential. Someday I'll be able to invest in something better...someday...

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I don't even know what time it is... Its 3am. But its really 4am. But in all actuality, its 10am. Its wild-freakin' nuts.