Die Türen stehen in Herrenhäuser Garten. Ich habe keine Ahnung was die Verwendungszweck der Gebäude ist aber die Türen haben kläre Ziele: Leute ein- und auszulassen. Und zweitens gut auszusehen. Heute versuche ich ein Trockner zureparieren. Ich bin darauf aufgeregt.
The photo of these doors was made in Herrenhäuser Garten. These particular doors, however, where actually bred and raised in the wild but have made a very successful adjustment to captivity in the gardens. In fact, many of their children have even been domesticated. Some of them serve as pets for the elderly, cheering them up when they are lonely, or as guides for the blind and otherwise-disabled, making entry-ways to buildings where ever the individual feels is most convenient. One problem child, Eddy, still likes to play jokes. A couple times it has gotten out of hand. Once he put himself on the outside wall of a 25th story apartment during a party with a nametag that said 'toilet'. Then one other time, during a fire drill, he stood in front of a wall, but didn't open the wall. Four people ran through him and straight into the wall before they realized he was just playing silly door games. Be on the lookout for Eddy. He mostly likes to hang out on the set of Roadrunner & Coyote films but also occasionally makes appearances as an extra for Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck flicks as well.