Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Site

Ich poste noch Fotos! Sie werden einfach in besseren Seite gefunden. Der Neue Seite

I am still posting Photos! Instead of here, you can find them at my new website. The New Site

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Let's do this

Ich freue mich dich zu meiner neuer Seite einzuladen. Um das vorheriges Foto zu sehen, klick auf das aktuelles Foto. Um durch die Fotos per Category zu suchen, klick auf "Browse" oben. Du bist noch herzlich willkommen comments zu lassen. Um ein Comment zu schrieben, klick auf "+comments" in der box unter das Foto. So... Für das Foto heutes und jeder danach: My new photoblog!

I am really excited to invite you to my new photoblog! This one has treated me well, but the new one is a much better forum for my photos. If you want to see the previous photo, click on the photo you see. Check out the "browse" link at the top to look for specific photos by category or to see thumbs of all the photos. You are, as always, more than welcome to leave me comments, just click the link that says "+comments" in the box at the bottom. You can even choose between dark or white background color for the photo by clicking the link at the bottom. so, here it is: My new photoblog!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Eiffel Tower #3

Noch ein Foto von der Eifel Turm. Nicht so lange nach ich dieses Foto gemacht habe, fängt es an zu regnen. Ich könnte damals noch eine Stunde mehr verbringen um Fotos von der Turm zu machen. Weisst Du was das heiss? Ich muss noch einmal nach Paris reisen...

I know, I know... "ANOTHER photo of the Eiffel Tower?" Yes, another photo of the Eiffel Tower. Don't worry, it started to rain before I could take near as many photos of the tower as I wanted. There are probably only one or two more that I am willing to post.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Parisian Strasse

Die ist eine enge Parisian Strasse. Wir haben gerade vorher Gyros/Döner gegessen.

This was of a little street in Paris that I thought looked cool. We had just eaten a Gyro/Döner Kebap thing before I took this picture.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Eiffel Tower #2

Von oben an der Arc de Triumphe habe ich dieses Foto gemacht. Die violete Farbe habe ich zu die Schwarz Weiss später gegeben. Meiner Meinung nach gibt es ein alteres Gefüll als ob man es in Fotobuch von der 1950er finden könnte.

This picture was taken from the top of the Arc de Triumphe. I wonder if they planned to have the legs line up perfectly from this vantage point. Pretty sweet, in my opinion. I made the photo black and white, then I gave it the purple tint. I think it makes it look like something one might find in a photo book of Paris from the 1950's or something.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Eiffel Tower

Ich bin gerade unter der Turm als ich das Foto gemacht habe. Ein paar aus Belgien haben versucht mich zu ärgern, aber ich mag das Foto so, ein bisschen gekippelt.

Looking up from the bottom of the Eiffel Tower. There are more pictures of the Eiffel Tower coming.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Visiting Notre Dame

Letzte Wochenende bin ich mit Guillermo und Alex nach Paris gefahren. (Vielleicht habe ich das gestern erklärt, ich weiss nicht mehr.) Wir sind am Samstag ein bisschen durch die Stadt gebummelt. Wir haben Notre Dame von die vier Seiten gesehen. Hier ist Notre Dame mit der Zwillingsschwestern als sie die bekannte Kirche fotographieren. Ich habe die Farben so wunderschön gefunden. Ich konnte mir nicht vorstellen wie anders es ist Paris im verschiedene Jahreszeiten zu besuchen.

Last weekend, I went with Guillermo and Alex to Paris. I may have already told you that yesterday, not sure. We met a bunch of new and awesome people there. I had a blast. So this picture is obviously taken of the Cathederal of Notre Dame. The twin sisters that we met there are taking a photo of the church. I am amazed at how different it is to visit Paris in the fall than during the spring or summer. It was really quite awesome. I really like the contrast of the blue sky and blue roof with the orange and yellow leaves in front of the cathederal.

no puedo todavía, pero quiero algún día.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Paris Postcards

Ich habe dieses Foto neben der Seine gemacht. Ich finde es so schön mit die Postkarten Verkäufer und die herbstliche Bäume hinter. Paris ist super...

I made this picture along the Seine in Paris. I love the little stands selling postcards and posters and whatever-else along the sides of the river. For this trip, the Autumn colors were a great touch.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Noch Einmal/Once Again

Noch einmal muss ich eine Kreation meines Bruders posten. Vielleicht heute Abend kann ich für morgen ein Foto fertig machen.

Again I have to post something my brother sent me. I don't have time to prepare my own photo yet. Perhaps tonight for tomorrow.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sorry...No photo today

I know I promised a photo earlier today, but more urgent things have come up. No worries. Alles klar. But, they need to be taken care of now and posting a photo would take me too long to do today. Tomorrow I will make time.

Have a good day.

Guest Post

Ich hoffe jeder hat ein wünderschönes Wochenende gehabt. Vor eine Woche habe ich eine Foto gepostet von dieser Mercedes. Mein Bruder, Tyler, hat es manipuliert. Ich meine es sieht richtig freaking awesome aus. Gut gemacht, Ty. Klar bin ich zurück von Paris. Deswegen habe ich wieder Fotos und habe ich wieder Lust, Fotos zu machen. Ich habe noch nicht geschlafen und habe seit Freitag ungefähr sechs Stunden geschlafen deshalb werde ich die Fotos später organizieren und eine für Montag posten. Danke für deine Verständnis.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. A week ago I posted this picture of the Mercedes. My brother, Tyler, took that picture and made this picture. I think it looks really, really awesome, Tyler. Well done! I got back from Paris at about 330am Sunday. I returned the rental car and made it back to my apartment at about 4 or 430, about an hour after the three cans of red bull finally started to kick in. I have photos from Paris and I feel like I once again have the desire to make more photos. Which means... I will try to sleep here in a few minutes, then when I get up, I will post Monday's photo.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My Dad

Der ist mein Vater. Der ist auch der Vater drei anderes, meiner Geschwister. Bruce ist ein cool guy.

Its my dad, Bruce. He's a cool guy.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Ich bin mit King aus gegangen um Fotos zumachen. Es ist keine Überraschung dass wann wir ein Auto gesehen haben, haben wir versucht es zu fotographieren.

My friend, King, loves cars. He and I went out to take pictures once a while ago. Actually, we go out often to make photos. We came across this car and the way King talked about it, I decided it'd be a good idea to make a photo.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

William Tell

William Tell steht in Lausanne mit seine Hose ganz geöffnet. Ich habe ihn aber nicht beleidigt weil er eine Armbrust hat. Ich habe ein paar Gerüchte von seine Armbrustfähigkeit gehört. Ich denke es ist keine gute Idee ihn zu ärgern als er sie hält.

It's William Tell. Wearing a dress. I made the picture in Lausanne a couple months ago.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Statue Corner

Das Foto ist in Aachen gemacht. Sie ist die Seite eine alte Kirche.


I made this photo in Aachen. This is the corner of an old church that was there.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Trauben aus der Schweiz/Swiss Grapes

Ich habe heute gesehen dass gestern habe ich zufällig ein englisches Wort in die deutsches Teil benutzt. Ist wahrscheinlich eine von meine kleinste Fehle...

Die Trauben habe ich in der Schweiz gefunden. In Lausanne und die Umgebung gab es viele Trauben. Lausanne ist in die französisches Teil der Schweiz, ganz westlich und ziemlich südlich. Italien ist auch gerade gegen über der See in Lausanne. Es gab Schiffahrt bis zu Frankreich und zu Italien.


These grapes are from Switzerland. Lausanne, to be exact. There were a lot of vineyards in the area around Lausanne. These grapes were in a small grape field, in the city. There couldn't have been more than about 100 small vines existing in the field. They speak French in the part of Switzerland where Lausanne is.

From Lausanne, which is relatively south and pretty much all the way west, one can get very quickly to France and to Italy. There are regular ferries from Lausanne and most of the cities on the lake there, which go to "ports" in France and Italy. I didn't take advantage because of a limited amount of time, but it was pretty sweet none-the-less.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Autumn Church

Diese Kirche würde letztes Jahr fotografiert. Sie steht in der nahe from Waterloo Platz. Wie der Umgebung genau heisst, weiss ich nicht. Leider konnte ich ein Wunsch für das Foto heute nicht gönnen.

This is an Autumny Church. An Autumn photo was requested today and this was as close as I came to 'autumn.' I had another requested post, but unfortunately, I couldn't grant that wish. You have to decide if its good enough or not. Just so we're clear, this photo was, without a doubt, made in Autumn of last year. So it is Autumn. That is Autumn light in which the church is basking. Autumn basking is much different than the more recognized 'summertime basking,' but its still basking. Bask, church, bask.

(sometimes I don't even know what I'm talking about.)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Diese Fotos sind vor ein paar Monate in der Schwiez gemacht. Vogeln sind awesome Tieren. Ich möchte diese Foto für mein Opa posten. Er hat immer an die Vogeln in seine Garten geguckt. Er und meine Oma haben sie auch immer gefettert. Maiz für die Hörnchen, Erdnuss für die Blue Birds, und kleine Saatgut für die kleinere Vogeln.

This picture is for my Grandpa. He always liked to watch the birds in his backyard. He and my grandmother would also feed them. The would put out corn on the cob out for the squirrels, peanuts for the blue birds, and small seeds for the littler birds.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Open Sea

Das Foto würde in Lausanne in der Schweiz gemacht.

This one is from Switzerland, in Lausanne.

I wanted to share a couple other things with you.

The first is this picture I made in Hannover several weeks ago and find to be fricken hilarious.

The second is this link to a video. This is a commercial that aired in 1982. I heard about it on The Scientific American Podcast and lo and behold, a simple google search brings up exactly what I was looking for...

"Question: Why take diet pills when you can enjoy..."

"What Kyle, what can I enjoy???" Just click the link. It's only 30 seconds long. And there is only one commercial. HARHARHAR

Am I immature? Without a doubt. And I intend to stay that way for the rest of my life. "Don't take life too seriously or you'll never get out alive."

Monday, November 06, 2006

First Steps

(Sorry, leider schreibe ich heute kein Deutsch. Ich habe keine Laune dafür.)

The other day, I went out walking in Hannover to take some photos. It was pretty freaking cold out. I came across a wedding party right after they came out of the courthouse, where the ceremony was performed. They walked out to steps covered in confetti and flower petals. I thought it was a great way to welcome a pair that had just stepped out of a building into a new life of togetherness. Pretty sweet.

It is weird to think that a 'simple' idea like marriage can mean such different things to everyone. To some its important and they want to be married, to some its not and they live their life with a partner and children but never are married. To some its a very serious thing, to some not. Some will only ever marry once out of principle, some will give it 3, 4, 5 or more tries. I think no matter what, its not an easy thing all the time. It was nice to see this couple welcomed by friends and family showing their support of the two. I have no idea who they are, but I wish them the best.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Ich habe dieses Foto im Hamburg als ich dabei mit Pat gewesen war. Es gab eine Laser Light show. Die Meisten von solche Fotos sind nicht so gut, aber die hier ist nicht so schlecht, meine ich.

This picture is from when I went to Hamburg with Pat. There was a laser light show. It was pretty cool. From our angle we could mostly only see some fountains with lights. There were lasers later on, but the photos didn't come out very well. Only this one was ok.

I went to play soccer in the city with a couple friends. We didn't play much soccer cause there were only four of us, but we stood along the road and waved at people for probably close to 45 minutes. It was awesome. We got a lot of people to wave back to us. Some people just smiled. Several pretended not to see us. We got two people to give us the German sign for 'you're crazy'. We got two peace signs. We got about 3 or 4 middle fingers. It was impressive. A lot of fun. It made my day. I hope it cheered up some of the people to whom we waved.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Ich habe heute morgen nichts zu sagen. Schön Samstag.

I got nothin today. Have a good day.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Gestern habe ich die Chance gehabt rund um Hannover zu laufen um Fotos zu machen. Es war ziemlich kuhl. Man konnte auch kalt sagen. Es war mir perfekt für einen frühen Wintertag. Ich habe eine neue Ehepaar gerade nach ihre Hochzeit gesehen. Ich habe versucht ein paar schöne Fotos zu diesem Theme zu machen. Wir sehen noch ob ich die poste. Heute ist Freitag. Geniess deine Wochenende.

It's friday! Exciting, I know. Yesterday, I went out and made some photos in Hannover. It was cold, but I still walked around for a couple hours. I just made sure to take breaks in McDonalds or in a church or something. I also walked along the Maschsee (a decent sized lake in Hannover) with a swan. I think he thought I was going to feed him. We just walked up and down the sidewalk along the lake. I walked, he actually swam. At one point, I sat down on the steps overlooking the water and he sat on the steps, too, cleaning himself. It was kind of cool. It was really nice to feel like I was feeling nature. It took me away from the city for a moment, away from all of life, really. It was a nice break.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tree Stump

Das Foto würde in Ohio bei Oak Openings Metropark gemacht. Jetzt kommt das Winter. Es ist schon kalt (und wird natürlich kälter). Die Himmel ist grau und langsam.

Its winter. It has made its arrival known this week. It is still not unpleasantly cold, as I expect it to be before long, but the worst parts have already set in. It is dark at 5pm (and will continue to get darker earlier) and the sky is always cloudy and gray. The sun will hopefully return in April or May. If we are lucky, we will see him bundled up in his scarf and gloves once or twice before then, but I won't count on such luck.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy November

Als ich an dieses Foto gucke, sieht die Bewölkung unterwegs zu sein. Die Weihnachtsmarkts wird bald geöffnet werden. Ich bin sehr aufgeregt. Kann kaum warten ein Bisschen Glühwein zu trinken und vielleicht ein paar Crepes essen... yummy.

The clouds seem like they're moving, to me. (Sometimes I write stuff in German (see above) and I wonder if it even makes any freakin' sense. Oh well! I know what I'm talking about...)

Happy November! November is the sneaky month. Everyone wakes up at least once in the first week of November and says 'Holy SHIT! It's NOVEMBER!' As if its been sneaking its way up the order of months in the year and comes earlier every time around. Before you know it we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving in the middle of Lent. It'll be like halftime.