Another Church? You're not still surprised, I hope
I regret to say, this will probably be my last photo for an indetermined period of time which will probably be long. There are several reasons for this. I can't upload to flickr any more this month. (Thanks to Justin for all his work on a way for me to host my images somewhere else.) All of my photos are on my external hard drive and for reasons still unknown to me, I cannot access this drive from my laptop right now. I have no idea why. The only thing I can figure is that the PCMCIA/USB card doesn't have the right drivers or something. Lastly. Well. Those are the reasons I probably won't post anymore this week. Next week I will be away in the United States and probably won't have any time to post, much less content to post. I'll be back, though. After the resources improve. Peace out homies, and thanks for visiting.