Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sunrise At Kronsburg

Sunrise At Kronsburg, originally uploaded by Kyle S.

I'm decently happy with this photo. I like the tree and I like the moon as a small, white fleck in the branches. Actually, I really, really like the tree. I like the way it towers into the dark sky, awaiting the sun's touch.

When I become really ambitious, I will find out when the moon will be lower on the horizon and in the right sky at sunrise (or at sunset) and go out and reshoot this. If the moon would be closer to the horizon, it would appear larger (Some optical illusion crap that I am all about using to my advantage.) and I think it would be very cool to have a sky with obvious sun events and a giant moon behind a sillouette of a tree. I don't think that would be too busy, but we'll see.

Kronsburg is a mountain, err, "mountain" near Hannover. It has an awesome circle of trees on top of the hill with some giant rocks. I saw awesome because it would be great for either a seanse or for photos. Kronsburg in one of the suburbs which I can reach with the local train. It's not actually a mountin, but it is a pretty decent sized man-made hill. I went with a colleague to watch the sun rise a few months ago. It started out cool, it was dark and the horizon was starting to lighten and what-not, but then it got really slow. I think we were outside watching the sun come up for somewhere close to an hour and a half before it finally broke out from behind the hills in the distance. We were actually turning to walk back down the mountain when it poked over the top.

From Kronsburg I also took some decent pictures of the night sky. Look for those in the future.


Blogger Unknown said...

v.cool kyle.

6:48 PM  

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