Closing down the carnival
The last night of Schützenfest, W and I went with two other people and W and one of them rode a ride and we went to a beer tent and had several Lüttje Lage. I actually don't know if that's how its spelled, but they are a Hannover specialty. You take a large shot of dark beer and a small shot of schnapps. Together. You have to hold the oversized shot glass and the undersized shotglass in a certain way with the same hand and drink them, hopefully without spilling it all down the front of yourself.
Anyway, W and I sent the ladies home after the fest close and we stuck around to make some photos. Basically, this was the only decent one I got because the conditions were not lending themselves to photo-making. I am very happy with this one though. It's the empty festival, which is a strange sort of thing.
Who is W?
I guess I was one of the girls that got sent home?
Its a beautiful picture!
Sorry, W is Pat. It's his nickname... sorta like I'm Spanish.
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