This is a photo I made of a church steeple in Aachen. I think I want to switch back to Black and White photos. I like 'em a lot.
I have been having a lot of dreams lately. They have been an awesome mixture of some of the coolest people I have met in the last 6 years. ::sighs:: I miss you guys. Sittin Club, Breakfast Club, trying to build a Foam Gun, Hammer Fights, Dressing Up like Homestarrunner for halloween and doing homework while drinking and eating pretzels, Homemade cat-traps involving powertools and home security systems, mixing carrot cake with power tools, walking around the wal-mart with two salsa bowls making horse-hoof sounds, poker nights, random drawings on the whiteboard, all-night study sessions (not because the work was hard, because we procrastinated, screwing around together until 2am before we started), shooting Z in the eye with a tampon, Open-mic nights, Mario Kart: Double Dash in the Student Affairs Game Room, Camping and four-wheeling in Missouri and Texas, laughing at Keith and Chad for stranding the four-wheelers in Arizona, Driving my Eclipse with a 150lb raw pig in the back while Ray laid next to it and punched it periodically, Scooter races around New Res, promoting safe-sex all around campus, laughing at my roommate for his incredibly loud farts while he slept, cringing because the same roommate flossed his toes with his socks when he thought I wasn't watching but could unfortunatley still see him, midnight attempts to aquire certain paraphanalia from the roadside and almost getting caught by the cops (very smooth talking, by the way, I don't know if I ever congratulated you on that, but well done), Ribs on the last night of the sittin club before graduation, talking to my roommates in my sleep (in italian/german...something not english...), driving around town just to have a good place to hang out, chat, and listen to some music (I miss random 4 hour road trips), The Coffee Shop making ASCII art for Justin and sending each other messages about the girls in the coffee shop or making fun of the stupid guys, visiting uncle crunckle with the Schoen twins, going to football games with the guys and being crowd-surfed up and down the bleachers 'cause I was small (ok, so that was almost 10 years ago, not 5 or 6, but still...), teaching the RAs about Velociraptors (it inspired the chicken walk as well...as I pointed out, velociraptors, according to Jurassic Park, my unquestioned source for all science and pre-history, velociraptors are ancestors of birds, so it makes sense), random working model projects just because I could and am a dork, trying to do a flip onto the couch in the lobby while holding a full glass of water, Trainee Pool trips to East Europe and the USA, unexplored crushes, my first experience being a wingman, making dice out of aluminum just to get the experience with the machine shop, flippy-cup!!!! I love flippy-cup!!! (flippy-cup is my name for the game also known as flip cup, turbo cup, etc.), Paris with Marlo (everything about it... being models in front of the cathederal of ND, meeting random french women who offer their apartment to me in the first 20 minutes, learning all about Amelie along that canal, sneaking past the tight security at the hotel, French Lunch including creme brule, a stiff drink, and some awesome seafood, finding a box full of poo on the edge of the river), "stop-everything-we're-playing-with-legos-in-the-lobby" days, making the professor laugh at our unwelcome outbursts, radio shows with Ellis and calling in the weather from the field with Milks, playing river city ransom and always punching my teammate in the back of the head or throwing brass knuckles at him, playing snake-rattle-n-roll and finally getting to the very end guy but being incapable of defeating him, playing hours and hours of mario kart double dash with Stu as my gunner, being a lifeguard, working at the SRC for volleyball matches, lacrosse team trip to chicago and my first experience eating thai food, ... There is still so much shit I am forgetting. I know there is. The Can-I-Jump-Over-That game, for example... Midnight trips to Steak-N-Shake. Parties in the haunted basement.
Well, maybe you skipped that paragraph, fine with me, I just wanted to refresh my memory about some of those things. Haha...Hammer fights... Someday, I know I'll have similar memories about being here in Europe. Its just hard to bring them up as memories when I feel like its still the same "Stage of my life." Eventually, I'll get to the next pile of little square blocks and jump to the flag pole, slide down and go hang out in a little fortress for a while. "Thank you, Mario, but your princess is in another castle."