[This is one from the 'archives'] When I was home for Christmas, I went with my mom to run a few errands. I wanted to spend time with my mother because, lets face it, living over 4000 miles from home, we don't see each other often. We went to a small town near where my parents grew up and where nearly all my cousins still live, Ottawa, Ohio.
One of the things I like the most about small towns is that every one is so close, that they know each other and are generally friendly. What I don't like is the 'what are the neighbors doing' element of small towns. This picture reminds me of the indirect way that people in small towns involve themselves in each other's lives.
"Have you seen Peter and Sara's back yard? I think they must be painting their house."
"Old Man Henry told me that she saw them on the roof with brooms. They must be tarring their roof."
"Tarring the roof? That's strange. Pete didn't ask Bob if he would help him after church last Sunday. Last time he tarred the roof, he asked Bob for help."
"Hi guys, did you hear what's going on over at Pete and Sara's place?"
No one ever asks Peter and Sara and the picture remains unclear.