Saturday, February 18, 2006

I went with a couple friends to Berlin yesterday. That was a lot of fun. I experience a strange feeling sometimes when I'm being a tourist. Its really weird when I look away from the monuments and the special events and see the people who are just living their lives as normal as incredible points of interest pass them by (relative motion) every day. I guess a parallel might be the barbers who cut the hair of famous people. They are are aware that their lives brush with percieved greatness, but its a part of their everyday. If you drove past the Eiffel Tower on your way to work every day, you would eventually break the urge to stop the car, walk up to the base of the tower in awe, purchase a small desk top version of the tower, pay exorbetent prices to ride to the top of the tower, write your name in black permanent marker, and go make out on the lawn in front of the tower next to the other tourists. Someday, that gets old. It makes me feel like the site-seeing is so trivial, fake, and... stupid. Like...what the hell would I think if shit-tons of people came every day and took pictures of the building across the street from me. I don't care if it is a really cool looking building that was built in the land before time, it will probably make me crazy. I'll lose my awe and be just like everyone else who carries out their business seemingly oblivious to the 'greatness' around me.

Peace out